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Classical Homeopathy

Comprehensive Classical Homeopathic Care for symptoms arising from chronic, recurring complaints, as well as acute illness or injury.

hi, i’m ashley!

I am here for you. Homeopathy is here for you. Together we can bring relief to your suffering and cultivate your inner resilience. As a homeopathic practitioner, I sit in loving presence with another being, watch and listen intently to every expression of symptoms and then match that pattern with a homeopathic remedy. With such a uniquely individualized approach, the results of homeopathy are profoundly deep-acting and global, relieving not only physical ailments but mental and emotional pain as well. The goal of homeopathy is for a remedy to stimulate the natural healing capacity of your body to find balance, ease, and greater flexibility in your life; in essence, to clear away the stuck patterns that originate suffering.

Homeopathy found me through a winding path of interests from biology to sociology, from biodynamic farming to quantum physics. I attempted to contain some of my interests in the physical and social sciences by earning a Bachelor of Science in Geography from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2010. But it wasn’t until homeopathy found me that my vast and seemingly unrelated interests fully coalesced. I began informal study of homeopathy in 2014, enrolled in the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy in 2020, and transferred to the Prometheus Homeopathic Institute in May 2021, where I am currently finishing my clinical training.

Homeopathic remedies are made from substances in nature and to be a homeopathic practitioner is to be a perpetual student of endless subjects including health sciences, botany, geology, chemistry, zoology, and so many more. Not only do I study the characteristics of the source materials of the remedies, I am also curious about the ecosystems in which they exist. In this way I learn the landscape patterns of a remedy which helps me, in turn, learn to read the personal geography of each individual before me.

Wherever you are on your journey, wherever you are in the world (thanks to video call technology!), I am here for you with the immense power of homeopathy to stimulate your inner capacity to heal starting right now.

Are you ready?

hi, i’m ashley! I am here for you. Homeopathy is here for you. Together we can bring relief to y... Read More

My Commitment: Your profound integration and your personal evolution.

Partnering together, we explore the landscape of your challenges and illuminate your unique portrait to identify your corresponding homeopathic ally from nature. We leverage your indwelling personal power with the art and science of homeopathic care to cultivate your greatest resilience.

While I received my initial training and professional experience in healthcare as a Registered Nurse through our current conventional medical system, pursuing a holistic health career was always my soul’s calling. I always intuitively understood that the mind, heart, spirit, and body are all connected, and that to truly heal, the whole person needs to be considered within the context of the entirety of who they are. When homeopathic medicine found me, I knew immediately that this was my path, and it has become my deepest passion to be of service with this complete, comprehensive, deeply healing process that celebrates individuality, vitality, wholeness, wonder, and love.

I am a 2019 graduate of the 4-year professional homeopathic training program at the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, located in Edina, Minnesota. I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in 2000 from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and earned my Registered Nurse licensure in 2001. Prior to establishing my homeopathic practice, my nursing career spanned various specialties, including medical/surgical, trauma, neuroscience, solid organ transplant, reproductive medicine and wound care.

Your inner healer contains the wellspring of health that you are seeking ~ it is all inside of you, ready to be enlivened.

Be in touch and we can take this journey together.

My Commitment: Your profound integration and your personal evolution. Partnering together, we ex... Read More

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